

Internet = supplier, business partner, customer and head quarter/ remote office/ department.

What is Internet?
Internet is the largest network in the world that connects people/ organizations all over the world.
It is also known as global system interconnected networks that uses the standard internet protocol to serve billions of user.

Why we use the internet?
1. For finding and access information.
2. For sending (upload) or receiving (download) files between
3. For sharing resources.
4. For corresponding and meeting with people.
5. For shopping products or services.

Internet was established in 1969 with the name of ARPANET.
It was changed the named into INTERNET at 1980.
What are the services on the internet?

World Wide Web
Chat room
Instant messaging

Internet services

11) E-Mail, What is E-Mail?

 E-Mail comes from electronic mail.
 It allows messages to be exchanged from computer to  computer.

Email Program= used to create, send, receive, forward, store, print and delete email.
Examples of e-mail program
Yahoo, G mail, Hotmail, MSN

12) What is Web?

It was created by Tim Berners Lee
It contains hypertext links or highlighted keywords and images that lead to related information.
A collection of linked Web pages that has a common theme or focus is called a Web site.
Website is the collection of documents.
Document is the web page.
WEB: Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML)
What is HTML?
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the main markup language for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.

HTML is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like <html>), within the web page content. HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags, known as empty elements, are unpaired, for example <img>. The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag (they are also called opening tags and closing tags). In between these tags web designers can add text, tags, comments and other types of text-based content.

How to access the web?

The Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Your access to the Internet is through an Internet service provider (ISP), which can be a large company such as America Online or MSN, or any of hundreds of smaller ISPs throughout the country. You are offered unlimited access for a fixed rate per month.
The Modem
Depending on the kind of service you have, you will need a unit of hardware called a "modem" for connection. Slow-speed dial-up telephone access uses an analog modem, 
which may already be installed in your computer. If not, one can be plugged into the USB port.
If you sign up for cable or DSL service, which is from 40 to 100 times faster than telephone dial-up, your provider may send you the appropriate modem, or you can purchase it at your local electronics store. Quite simply, opt for the high-speed service if you can. Dial-up modems are an exercise in extreme patience.
Browsing the Web
A Windows PC comes with the Internet Explorer Web browser. The Mac comes with Safari. Windows and Mac users quite often choose a different browser such as Firefox ( or Chrome (, which offer additional features and are not as subject to attack by hackers.
The first time you hook up to a new ISP, you may need their assistance to configure the dial-up or networking software in your computer. After that, all you do is launch the browser to "surf the Web."
Sending E-Mail
Although e-mail can be sent and received using your Web browser (see Internet e-mail service), your computer may come with a dedicated e-mail program like the ones found in smartphones. For example, the Mac comes with Mail, while Windows has offered Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail, depending on Windows version. However, many users prefer Eudora, Thunderbird and other e-mail clients.
The first time you connect to a new ISP, you may need help in configuring your e-mail program to use their mail servers. From then on, you launch the mail program as you would any other application.

Client/Server structure of the web

Web servers are computer that deliver (serves up) Web pages. Every Web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. (Web client is your computer)

13) What is transfer protocol?

The transfer protocol is the set of rules/ software that the computers use to move files from one computer to another on the Internet.
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) is the most common protocol used on the internet.

44)   What is chat room?

The term chat room, or chat room, is primarily used by mass media to describe any form of synchronous conferencing, occasionally even asynchronous conferencing. The term can thus mean any technology ranging from real-time online chat over instant messaging and online forums to fully immerse graphical social environments.

15) What is VOIP?

Voice Over Internet Protocol or “Internet Telephony”.
Use internet to make phone calls.
Examples: Skype, Yahoo Voice

16) What is news group?

News groups are electronic bullet tin board.
They includes,
News reader like Google talk, Google group.



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