I C T & I T

IT and ICT

Our next session is about Information Communications and Technology or simply ICT. ICT is simply means that using technology in order to process information. These technologies help to storage, process and share on networks. As I understood that comparing to few years back, usage of the internet, creating new web-sites had gone up and due to this reasons, the cost of the Internet noticeably decreased. Role of ICT in our daily life is very important. Nowadays, ICT making our life easier in fields such as Healthcare, Education, Business and so on. As an activity we were given a task that we had to give examples to ICT from our country. Our group had chosen Afghanistan as example and we talked about Healthcare, because one of our group mates is from there. As we discussed, I learned about opportunities and some problems in Afghanistan in that sphere. Moreover, other groups talked about Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore.
So at the of this session, we are able to describe usage of ICT in different spheres and how beneficial they are.


ICT = information communication technology
ICT focus primarily on communication technologies like internet, cell phones, networks and other communication mediums.
IT + Media Broadcasting = ICT  
We use ICT in our daily life such as science, education, health care, banking, business, banking and government. 

IT = information technology
IT is all forms of technology used to create, store, exchange and used information.
IT concept 
There are two concepts of IT. They are 
1) IT architecture and 
2) IT infrastructure


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