Information System

Information Systems

Our class in week 4 is about Information Systems. We started our class by being asked some questions from previous class such as what is data and information. System generally means that set of components working together to achieve one common goal. Information system is combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and person in charge work together and helps to organization to make decisions.
For me, useful ideas that made me understand were comparing IT with IS. So, IT (hardware, software…) is built to get IS (Customer service system, Payroll system…). Also, examples given from our daily life for manual and computerized information systems, for example, nowadays we are using e-mails which is computerized, rather than writing letters which is manual.
By the end of the class, we were given group assignment. We suppose to choose one organization and explain IS using in that organization. As our teacher said that we are welcome if we have any questions regarding to the assignment, I am sure that we can understand more about IS by doing the task that we are given.

Information Systems

This week we continued topic about Information System, by learning about the function of IS. Functions of IS are very important, because we need them in our daily life, such as in Education (computers, projectors…), in Healthcare (X-ray, Scanning machines…). I understood more about types of IS when our lecturer explained about pyramid if IS which divided in to three levels. At the bottom there is TPS (operational) which is responsible to collect day-to day info and operation. Second is tactical and it includes DSS and MIS. Finally, at the top there is ESS (strategic). This level is responsible to make strategic decisions and it is future oriented.

Information System

Types of Information System 
There are six types of IS
1) transaction processing system (TPS)
2) decision support system (DSS)
3) expert support system (ESS)
4) management information system (MIS)
5) office automation system (OAS)
Components of CBIS 
  • people
  • procedure
  • telecommunication
  • database 
  • software and
  • hardware
What is storage?
Storage hold data, instruction, and information for future use.
Storage Medium 
It's the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instruction and information.
Processing requires a set of information
Components of processing
CPU and Memory
Types of IS 
What is TPS?
TPS is a style of computing that divides work into individual, invisible operation called transaction.
Components of TPS
1) People
2) Hardware
3) Software

What is MIS?

MIS provides information that organizations need to manage themselves efficiently and effectively.
Functions of MIS
1) helps organization achieve goals
2) provides right info to the right people at the right time and format.
MIS is an information system that generates accurate, timely and organized information, so managers and other users can make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities, and track process. 
MIS is used to call MRS sometimes.
What is DSS?
DSS is an information system designed to help users to reach a decision-when a decision making situation arises. 
It helps provide information to support such decision.

What is ESS?
It is designed to support higher level of DM in organization.
Characteristics of ESS
- special type of DSS
- support info needs to Executive
- use internal and external data sources
- DSSs ir EISs ofetn use extremely large databases, called data warehouses.

What is ES?
ESs are part of a general category of computer applications known as artificial intelligence.

Other information systems

Office Automation System

Business Information System

Vision System (capture visual image)

Enterprise Resource Planning system

It is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involve in an information system development project.

IS development methodologies
It is a collection of procedures techniques, tools and documentation aids which will help the systems developers in their efforts to implement a new information system.

Why and when you initiate system development? 
  1. Problems with existing system
  2. Desire to introduce new system
  3. Change in market/external environment
  4. Merger of acquisition
Participants in system development
  • Project manager
  • Stakeholders
  • System analyst
  • Programmers 
  • Users
  • Support personal
What are the steps in ISD planning?
  1. Strategic plan
  2. Develop objectives
  3. Identify IS projects
  4. Analyze resources
  5. Set schedules and deadlines
  6. Develop IS 
Stages in STRADICS
  1. Initial study
  2. Detail study
  3. Designing alternatives
  4. Physical design
What is prototyping?
An easily modified and extensible model of a planned software system,likely including its interface and input/output functionality.
Structured approach (SDLC)
It is the oldest methodology used to coordinate the efforts to IS development is known as the SDLC. 
The model is based on a set of generic life cycle stages to guide develop through maintenance of the complete systems.
SDLC stages
  1. system investigation
  2. system analysis 
  3. system design
  4. system implementation
  5. system maintenance and review


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